Curb Appeal: Some Key Ways to Accent Your New Exterior Paint Job

When you decide to improve your home with bold new paint colors, there are some exterior painting tools that extend beyond the paint brush and the mats that will help this color pop and stand out. You want to maximize the curb appeal on your home, and embrace that new color by redoing the entire experience outside of your home. Below are some of the best tactics you can use to brighten and bring out this new color on your home, while improving your home at the same time.
Upgrade Your Windows
The first thing you should do is upgrade your windows if you have an older home. Chances are they aren’t the most energy efficient, so your energy levels and utility bills will thank you later for making this change. You can get the windows to be reinforced, also, if you live in an area with a lot of high winds that could damage or break in a storm.
If you have a newer home with energy efficient windows, you may not need to change them, However, they could do for a good window washing. Reach out to local glass and door technicians to come by for window cleaning service at your home. They will pull out all the windows and clean them on both sides, before reinstalling them. You’ll notice a difference in your windows and the overall look of your home with the new paint.
Reorganize Your Garage
Many homes have their garage doors open for several hours at the time, so it’s important that you keep garage organization a priority. If everyone riding by can see the clutter on the inside, it will take away from the look of the home and the new pain that you have. Feel free to add shelving and cabinets along the walls of your garage. This is great high quality storage, and you can make them strong to hold large and heavy pieces of equipment that live in your garage. When you pick this area up, you may find it easier to move around the garage and find the items that you need at different times.
While you’re working in the garage, use your exterior paint tools and get creative with a new garage door. You can take these items and paint your grange door the same color, or accent it with the new color so that it is attractive and blends with the new look. If your door is closer to ten years old, you’ll want to have a technician with garage door repair come out for service. You may find that you need to choose new garage doors, and get new ones to stay safe and secure.
Repair or Replace Your Roof
Nothing can destroy the appearance of fresh new paint by exterior painting tools than a roof that is damaged and either needs full replacement or repair.. Roofing companies in your area can come and let you know if the condition of your roof is able to be saved, and just needs some repair in certain areas. If not, they’ll let you know that you need a new roof and what our options may be.
Many homeowners are finding that a fresh metal roof that is complementary to the house color will make it stand out more. Your local roofing service is able to let you know what your options are for traditional roofs, and if metal is an option that works for your area. If so, roof repair services will allow you to choose your metal and your color to help with the sun on the home. Depending on what you want your home to look like, and how modern you want to go, you could choose from several options. If you’re planning to add solar energy to your home, make sure your new roof will be compatible with these panels.
Upgrade Your Siding
Before you pull out your exterior painting tools, make sure you have the siding thatyyou want. All of the siding options are printable, so you want to get paint that will stick and is made specifically for that material. With many homes breaking up the siding on their homes, this is a good time to add a contrast with a brick layer, or hardy board to a certain part of the home.
A siding contractor can come in and help you adjust the siding you want, especially if you’re looking to upgrade the areas that you didn’t paint to a more engineered product, or brick. Breaking up a home with a brick area and then a bright color in other places will help make the color stand out and improve the look of your home. You don’t have to do the whole front or side in the same siding, so have them come and give you a quote on what works for your home.
Improve Your Gutter System
One of the best things you can do for your home and the exterior pain color you’ve added is update the gutter system. We all know how much time and energy is put into gutters each year cleaning them out and making it so the drainage go downs the right way. However, traditional gutters block a lot of space for homes that is exterior and that can take away from your home. This is why you should move to a more updated gutter system.
With the help of a gutter contractor, you can have your gutter system replaced so that it is tucked away into the home, falling under the roof and not being as evident as the traditional system. They blend into the home, and keep cleaner lines along the home, almost discreetly so that you can see more of the house and improve the overall curb appeal of the home. When you opt for this system, go ahead and spring for a gutter guard so that you’re able to keep large debris out of the system, blocking the system and preventing your system from working properly.
Contact A Landscaper
Some of the best exterior paint tools aren’t paint, but the landscaping in your yard that is designed to help the paint stand out in the best ways. First, your grass should always be green and full, so that it complements any look that you add to your home. Any patches of brown or dead grass will take away from the look and curb appeal of the house. The next steps is to move to the shrubs and plants around the home. You want bright colors that will bloom at different times throughout the year.
Large, green shrubbery will be best to add to your home. You don’t want to have gaps along the perimeter of your home, so if you start the process of adding shrubs and bushes, be prepared to go all around the front and on the sides. For more bolder exterior paint colors, make sure you add in a variety of colors, such as golds, pinks, and other bushes that have different colors that bloom.
Landscape lighting is also another great tool that will emphasize the look of the home and the color that you choose. Some colors look great in sunlight, and have a different glow when they are on at night. You can use clear bulbs in your landscape lighting, and even go as far as choosing solar lights so that you aren’t using any of your utility energy for these lights. For holidays, many of these lights and bulbs are interchangable so you can change them out for holidays.
Go With Bold Furniture
Bold colors and furniture on your porch and deck are great for making your exterior paint color pop. Many homes go with the same color rocking chairs with bright color pillows, or paint the chars different colors. If you have patio furniture out on the back porch, make sure it matches the color of the house, bringing it all together. Be sure to also not mix too many of your exterior painting tools to avoid color mixes. Your furniture is unique and can fit your own personal preference.
When you'[re placing furniture pieces, however, don’t put so much out that they block the porch or draw too much attention. You want a focal piece on either porch or deck, but you also don’t want an eyesore. Too much color that is contrasting and not blending could be difficult to manage over time. Instead of going too bold, if you already have furniture that is one color, you can use accent pieces like tablecloths to make it pop and draw attention to the area.
Improve The Walkways And Driveway
When you get fresh paint on your home, you should add new walkways and driveways to the area. Walkways and driveways are important to curb appeal, and keeping them in good condition should be on your list. If you’re ready to have them repaved for an upscale look, contact a local paving company for a quote. It’s a good idea to have your walkway and your driveway be paved at the same time so that one doesn’t stick out as being old. You also have several materials to choose from. Older looking walkways and pavements mean will draw attention away from your paint job.
When you have your driveway paved, you can opt for traditional concrete, or go with asphalt. Many contractors are now taking advantage of recycled asphalt that comes from roadway projects and it’s repurposed in driveways. They are great for the amount of traffic that an average driveway gets on a residential property. It also looks really clean and sleek when it’s poured. A quick quote on these different material options and you’re likely to find that it’s affordable. Now, if you have a lot of traffic at your home, you may want to keep with concrete, but that choice is up to your budget and how often you’re driving on the paved area. .
Opt For A New Door
Once you’ve decided on a new paint for your home and you’ve painted it, your front door should stand out and make a good accent. If you have a bright and bold color, your door should be painted with exterior painting tools also to bring together one look and theme. Front doors often hold the wreaths and designs that you place to welcome your home. It is the first thing that guests see when they come up the walkway and when people are driving by. What you want to avoid is using a color that will clash with the new color on your home.
If you’re in need of a new door, you can find one that is already a complimentary color, and has a design that will attract the eye to the front of your home. Frosted front doors are great additions, as well as large wooden doors If you want to add in glass side paneling so you can see out when you want up to the door, it’s a good idea to do that at the time of the installation. This is a project that is meant for a contractor, so make sure you’re reaching out to them for this project. You can also consider expanding the door area on your home and bringing in an oversize door to embellish the look.
Improve Your Curb Appeal Today
While you may have a handful of exterior painting tools after painting your home, there are still so many other things you can do to make your home stand out and improve that overall curb appeal. It’s important that you use that paint color to start redesigning your landscaping, upgrading your siding, and even changing your furniture if necessary. How much you put into your home on the outside and make sure it blends can also improve your home value and make your home a more comfortable place. You’ll feel confident when you’re asked to host and have a place that everyone enjoys coming to visit regularly.